New customers who switch to Think Energy are eligible for a $100 gift card!*
Let's Build a Cleaner Future Together.
Our aim is to make clean energy simple, easy, and affordable for everyone. It’s good for you, it’s good for us, and it’s good for the environment. We’re all in.
Want proof? We’re literally giving you money. When new customers enroll in one of our available electricity plans, they’ll be eligible to receive a $100 cash gift card after six months.
We can’t redefine green energy without you. Join now, earn cash, and help us make a difference.
*New York customers not eligible

Benefits of Think Energy!
Clean Energy *
We offset 100% of your electricity consumption with renewable energy certificates produced by wind, solar, and hydro resources in all states, excluding Connecticut.
Competitive Fixed Rates
We offer competitively priced electricity products where you pay the same fixed rate throughout the term of the contract.
Energy Savings
We empower you to save money with monthly cash rebates of up to 100% of your Think Energy electricity supply charges.
How to Qualify
You’re new here – this is an exclusive offer for first-time Think Energy customers who enroll in a qualifying plan.
You stick around for six months and pay your bill on time.
You use at least 1,800 kWh of electricity during those first six months as a Think Energy customer.
For full terms, see below.
How to Claim Your $100
Fill out this easy, straightforward form once you’ve reached six months with us.
It’s your money, spend it however you’d like.

New customers who switch to Think Energy are eligible for a $100 gift card!
Eligibility requirements apply. New York customers not eligible.
Terms & Conditions
Gift Card Eligibility Terms and Conditions
General Information
Customers who enroll for certain plans with Think Energy, LLC (“Think Energy” or the “Company”) may be eligible to receive a $100 gift card. This gift card offer is not associated with all Think Energy plans. If the notice confirming your enrollment with Think Energy, whether sent by email or other means, which contains Think Energy’s Terms of Service, also contains these Gift Card Eligibility Terms and Conditions, then you may be eligible to receive a $100 gift card. Please read the Requirements for $100 Gift Card Eligibility and the Limitations and Exclusions sections of these Terms of Service for more information about whether you are eligible to take advantage of this gift card offer.
Limitations and Exclusions
This promotion is limited to certain Think Energy plans, as noted in Think Energy’s enrollment cart. See your enrollment confirmation email from Think Energy for more information. If you did not receive a document containing these Gift Card Terms of Service in your enrollment confirmation email, then you are not eligible for a gift card. The following customers are excluded from this gift card offer under all circumstances: (a) Existing Think Energy Customers, and (b) Customers who previously received service from Think Energy within twelve months of the current enrollment.
NOTE: This gift card promotion is not available to New York consumers.
Requirements for $100 Gift Card Eligibility:
Provided that you are not excluded under the Limitations and Exclusions section of these Terms of Service, you are eligible to receive a $100 gift card if you satisfy each of the following criteria:
- You enrolled your electricity account for Think Energy’s electricity supply services;
- The electricity account that you enrolled with Think Energy received electricity supply service from the Company for a period of at least six (6) consecutive months;
- You paid each bill that includes Think Energy’s supply charges on time for the six (6) consecutive months of Think Energy service that you received;
- Your local utility company (the “utility”) must report to Think Energy that the utility delivered at least 1,800 kilowatt-hours (“kWh”) of electricity to the service address associated with your Think Energy account – after the application of any bill credits (for example, net metering credits or similar offsets), if applicable – over six (6) consecutive months, and
- You must complete and submit the gift card request form (available on Think Energy’s website) during the window of time beginning on the date six (6) months after the first date on which Customer began receiving retail electricity supply service from Think Energy and ending sixty days after that.
If you have complied with all of the gift card eligibility terms and conditions, a $100 gift card will be sent electronically to your email address on file with Think Energy. It may take Think Energy up to sixty days to review and process the delivery of the gift card. Think Energy is not responsible for lost, late, or misdirected emails. Think Energy may, in its sole discretion, terminate this promotion at any time.
Términos y condiciones de elegibilidad para la tarjeta de regalo
Información general
Los clientes que se inscriban en ciertos planes con Think Energy, LLC (“Think Energy” o la “Compañía”) pueden ser elegibles para recibir una tarjeta de regalo de $100. Esta oferta de tarjeta de regalo no está asociada con todos los planes de Think Energy. Si la notificación que contiene los Términos de Servicio de Think Energy y que confirma su suscripción con Think Energy, ya sea que esta haya enviada por correo electrónico u otro medio, también contiene los Términos y Condiciones de Elegibilidad para la Tarjeta de Regalo, entonces puede ser elegible para recibir una tarjeta de regalo de $100. Por favor lea la sección Requisitos para la Elegibilidad de la Tarjeta de Regalo de $100 y la sección Limitaciones y Exclusiones de estos Términos de Servicio para obtener más información sobre si es elegible o no para aprovechar esta oferta de tarjeta de regalo.
Limitaciones y exclusiones
Esta promoción está limitada a ciertos planes de Think Energy, como se indica en el carrito de suscripción de Think Energy. Consulte el correo electrónico de confirmación de suscripción de Think Energy para obtener más información. Si en el correo electrónico de confirmación de suscripción, usted no recibió un documento que contenga estos Términos de Servicio de la Tarjeta de Regalo, entonces no es elegible para recibir una tarjeta de regalo. Los siguientes clientes están excluidos de esta oferta de tarjeta de regalo en todos los casos y circunstancias: (a) Clientes existentes de Think Energy y (b) Clientes que previamente recibieron servicios por parte de Think Energy dentro de los doce meses posteriores a la inscripción actual.
NOTA: Esta promoción de tarjeta de regalo no está disponible para los clientes de Nueva York.
Requisitos para ser elegible para una tarjeta de regalo de $100:
Siempre que no esté excluido según la sección Limitaciones y Exclusiones de estos Términos de Servicio, es elegible para recibir una tarjeta de regalo de $100 si cumple con cada uno de los siguientes criterios y requisitos:
- Usted inscribió su cuenta de electricidad para los servicios de suministro de electricidad de Think Energy;
- La cuenta de electricidad que usted inscribió en Think Energy recibió el servicio de suministro de electricidad por parte de la Compañía por un período de al menos seis (6) meses consecutivos;
- Usted pagó a tiempo, cada factura que incluye los cargos de suministro de Think Energy durante los seis (6) meses consecutivos de servicio que recibió por parte de Think Energy;
- Su compañía de servicios públicos local (la “Compañía de Servicios Públicos”) debe informar a Think Energy que la Compañía de Servicios Públicos entregó al menos 1,800 kilovatios-hora (“kWh”) de electricidad a la dirección de servicio asociada con su cuenta de Think Energy, después de la aplicación de cualquier crédito en la factura (por ejemplo, créditos de medición neta o compensaciones similares), en caso de ser aplicable, durante seis (6) meses consecutivos, y
- Debe completar y enviar el formulario de solicitud de tarjeta de regalo (disponible en el sitio web de Think Energy) durante la ventana de tiempo que comienza seis meses después de la fecha en que el Cliente comenzó a recibir servicio de suministro de electricidad por parte de Think Energy y finaliza sesenta días después de eso.
Si ha cumplido con todos los términos y condiciones de elegibilidad de la tarjeta de regalo, se le enviará electrónicamente una tarjeta de regalo de $100 a su dirección de correo electrónico registrada en Think Energy. Think Energy puede tardar hasta sesenta días en revisar y procesar la entrega de la tarjeta de regalo. Think Energy no es responsable de los correos electrónicos perdidos, retrasados o mal dirigidos. Think Energy puede, a su entera discreción, cancelar esta promoción en cualquier momento.