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Great News! Every Think Energy customer is enrolled as a member of the Free Energy Club.

Our Free Energy Club members can earn monthly cash rebates of up to 100% of their Think Energy electricity supply charges.

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Think Energy makes it simple to earn free energy.  Every Think Energy customer is a member of the Free Energy Club and is eligible to earn monthly cash rebates of up to 100% of their Think Energy electricity supply charges.

Refer 3 friends and get a

monthly rebate equal to

10% off

your Think Energy
electricity supply charges.

Refer 10 friends and get a

monthly rebate equal to

40% off

your Think Energy
electricity supply charges.

Refer 20 friends and get a

monthly rebate equal to

100% off

your Think Energy
electricity supply charges.

Get free energy in a few easy steps:

1. Sign up with Think Energy.

Sign up as a customer with Think Energy and you are automatically enrolled as a member of the Free Energy Club.

2. Refer your friends to Think Energy or Think Community Solar.

Help your friends become Think Energy customers.

3. Earn Cash Rebates Each Month.

Earn cash rebates every month for every 3, 10, or 20 friends you refer to Think Energy.

4. Help Your Friends Earn.

Teach your friends that you refer to Think Energy how to earn cash rebates as members of the Free Energy Club.

For complete details about the Free Energy Club, refer to the Free Energy Club Terms and Conditions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to earn Free Energy?

The Think Energy Free Energy Club program is open to all Think Energy customers (including Think+ Independent Energy Advisors who are also Think Energy customers) who refer 3 or more Qualified Customers to Think Energy clean electricity service and are in good standing with Think Energy under the customer Terms & Conditions. As a customer taking advantage of the Free Energy Club program, the customers you refer must be referred through your Free Energy Club portal to become a Qualified Customer (to ensure regulatory compliance, no other methods of enrollment will be accepted). If you are a Think+ Independent Energy Advisor who is also a customer, you must refer customers through your Free Energy Club portal if you want the customers to count towards your Free Energy Club program. There’s no time limit to gather your customers, but the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll be earning free energy!  

What do the different customer statuses mean in my Free Energy Club portal?

There are seven (7) different customer statuses, including the following: Not Enrolled, Enrolled, Rejected, Pending, Qualified, Not Qualified and Canceled.  Here is what they mean:  

  1. Not Enrolled: A customer who was sent a referral email but has not enrolled.
  2. Enrolled: A customer who was sent a referral email and has enrolled with Think Energy but has not been accepted by the utility. 
  3. Rejected: A customer who enrolled with Think Energy but was rejected by the utility (refer to “Why did my customer get rejected by the utility?” for more details).
  4. Pending: A customer who has been accepted by the utility, but Think Energy has not received their first payment for Think Energy service. 
  5. Qualified: A customer who has met the criteria to be qualified (refer to “What’s a Qualified Customer?” for more details). 
  6. Non-Qualified: A customer who has not met the criteria to be qualified (refer to “What’s a Non-Qualified Customer?” for more details).
  7. Canceled: A customer who has terminated their Think Energy service. 

How do we calculate your Energy Rebate?

You are eligible to receive an Energy Rebate on each Eligible Payment received by Think Energy for your own Think Energy electricity service.  When an Eligible Payment is received, Think Energy will calculate the number of Qualified Customers you have referred to determine your Rebate Percentage.  Think Energy will multiply your Rebate Percentage by your Eligible Payment Amount to calculate your Energy Rebate.   

What is an Eligible Payment?

An Eligible Payment is a payment for the Think Energy charges on your electricity service invoice that is received by Think Energy and that is paid on-time and in full.  For the avoidance of doubt, the following will not be an Eligible Payment: (a) a past due payment, even if paid in full; (b) a partial payment, even if paid prior to the due date; or (c) a payment received from a customer not in compliance with their Think Energy Terms & Conditions.    

What is the Eligible Payment Amount?

For each Eligible Payment, the Eligible Payment Amount is the total amount related to the Think Energy electricity charges, received by Think Energy.  For the avoidance of doubt, in markets where Think Energy collects payments on behalf of the utility, the Eligible Payment Amount excludes any monies collected on behalf of the utility or any third party.     

What’s a Qualified Customer?

To be a Qualified Customer in the Free Energy Club program, the customer must: 

  • Customer was referred through the Free Energy Club Portal;
  • Customer has paid their most recent electricity or community solar bill in full and on-time (for the avoidance of doubt, the customer is eligible to be a Qualified Customer prior to paying their first electricity or community solar bill, but once the Customer begins to receive electricity or community solar service, the electricity or community solar bill must be paid in full and on-time to remain a Qualified Customer);
  • Customer is (a) enrolled with Think Energy, is scheduled to begin receiving or is receiving Think Energy Services and is in good standing with Think Energy under the customer Terms & Conditions, or (b) enrolled with Think Community Solar, has had all enrollment information verified by Think Community Solar, and is either (i) receiving Think Community Solar Services and is in good standing with Think Community Solar under the customer Terms & Conditions, or (ii) is waiting to be assigned to a community solar program and not more than six months have elapsed since the customer completed the Think Community Solar enrollment;
  • Customer has not provided Think Energy or Think Community Solar with notice to terminate service;
  • Customer is not a net metered customer; and
  • Customer uses a minimum annual electricity usage of 3,600 kWhs (which will be initially determined by Think Energy or Think Community Solar based on historical electricity usage data provided by the utility and subject to reset from time-to-time based on actual customer electricity usage).

Note: Depending on the utility, a customer will become a Qualified Customer approximately 75-120 days after reaching Pending status due to the timelines for utility

What’s a Non-Qualified Customer?

Customers who do not meet one or more of the criteria of a Qualified Customer will be deemed a Non-Qualified Customer.  Once a customer becomes a Non-Qualified Customer, the customer will be subject to a 90day review period prior to being eligible to become a Qualified Customer again.   

How do we determine your Rebate Percentage?

Your Rebate Percentage is based on the number of customers you have referred to Think Energy through your Free Energy Club portal that are Qualified Customers at the time Think Energy receives your Eligible Payment.  If you have referred 3-9 Qualified Customers, your Rebate Percentage is 10%.  If you have referred 10-19 Qualified Customers, your Rebate Percentage is 40%.  If you have referred 20 or more Qualified Customers, your Rebate Percentage is 100%.   

How will I receive my Energy Rebate from Think Energy?

Customers will receive a link by email that will allow them to redeem their Energy Rebate for cash through an ACH deposit into their bank account or a number of egift cards that will be delivered digitally.

When will I receive my Energy Rebate from Think Energy?

If you are eligible to receive an Energy Rebate, your Energy Rebate will be paid within five (5) business days of each Eligible Payment. 

Why did my customer get rejected by the utility?

There could be many different reasons that your customer was rejected by the utility, however the most common reason they get rejected is due to inaccurate utility account information at the time of enrollment.

Is there is an annual cap on the amount of Energy Rebates I can receive from the Free Energy Club program?

Yes. In a twelve-month period, the maximum Energy Rebates a customer may receive is $2,000. 

Are commercial customers eligible to receive Energy Rebates in the Free Energy Club program?

Yes, as of October 2024, commercial customers are eligible to receive Energy Rebates in the Free Energy Club program, subject to tiered rebate caps.  

Here are the tiers and their respective caps:  

  • 10% (3-9 Qualified Customers referred): $200 per yea
  • 40% (10-19 Qualified Customers referred): $800 per year
  • 100% (20 or more Qualified Customers referred): $2,000 per year 

What happens if I have fewer than 3 Qualified Customers?

If your Qualified Customer count is less than 3 at the time an Eligible Payment is received by Think Energy, you will not be eligible for an Energy Rebate on that Eligible Payment Amount. Once you get your Qualified Customer count over and there’s no time limit to add or replace customers – you’ll be eligible for future Energy Rebates. 

If one of my referrals is a Think Energy customer in another state, will he/she still count as a Qualified Customer for my Energy Rebate?

Yes, you will get credit for customers that are enrolled in any state where Think Energy offers electricity service. 

What happens if one of my referral customers earns Energy Rebates?

They will remain a Qualified Customer of yours even if they have referred others under the Free Energy Club program and are earning Energy Rebates.  We want you to teach them the benefits of our Free Energy Club program so they can share Think Energy’s electricity product with others. 

What is Product Change Fee?

The Product Change Fee add-on allows you to modify your rate by contacting our customer care team and paying a nominal fee of just $29.95.

What if I am an existing customer and I want to change my product?

As an existing customer of Think Energy, you can choose to add-on our product change fee and make changes to your product. You’ll keep your automatic access to your existing Free Energy Club benefits and reap the benefits of the Product Change Fee.

New customers who switch to Think Energy are eligible for a $100 gift card!

Eligibility requirements apply. New York and Maryland customers not eligible.